About This Project

My husband, Pete has Multiple Sclerosis and these are my musings as a caregiver.

I began writing about my journey as a caregiver almost immediately after my husband was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  I also began reading... memoirs and biographies of others who were caregivers.  I simply couldn't find the book I was looking for.  I want a book by someone trying to care for their spouse.  I want a book about the most powerful force in the universe: denial.  I want a book that describes how angry a person can get at a sick person.  I want someone else to tell me that I'm not crazy... I'm just a caregiver.  I wanted affirmation and I realized that I could offer that to myself by writing down my experience as a caregiver.

What's with the name? 
Pete often recites the lyrics from this song. It's old and perhaps a little cheesy but it describes life very well... our desire to find home, our need for others to be there to listen to us and help with our questions, the things we find are most meaningful and even our love of the little tasks filled with life's joy.

When you have a chronic illness or are providing care for someone with a chronic illness, finding home is a daily routine. This song from Kenny Loggins says, "Help me if you can, I've got to get back to the house at the corner by 1.  You'd be surprised there's so much to be done.  Count all the bees in the hive, chase all the clouds from the sky..." 

Hopefully Pete will continue to offer poetry and lyrics, antidotes and humor to this project so that together, we'll offer and honest look at how we have dealt with the chronic illness, Multiple Sclerosis, together.