Monday, August 11, 2008

stages of grief

My husband was diagnosed with MS two years ago.

We've circled through the stages of grief, always skipping the elusive final stage called "acceptance." I've learned that denial is one of the strongest forces on earth. My mood has slouched lower than I thought possible with what what "they" call "acute depression. I hope you don't mind me offering this learning: prayer is a form of bargaining. I spent long hours bargaining with God through stage 3. But it's stage 2 that I like the best.

Anger is a reasonable state of mind. Anger is easy. Anger has its own fuel source. Anger is provoked. Anger is a brewed pot of coffee ready to be poured. I return to this stage often... it's become a close friend.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The Friendship of Women by Joan Chittister

I'm working through a new book that takes great liberties with women from scripture about whom we know little. Drawing from snippets of information, the author gathers character information and then concludes behavior likened to true friends.

The most amazing part of the book so far is the historical understanding of friendship. Did you know that there was a time that the world believed women to be without the ability to develop and sustained lasting, meaningful friendship?