Sunday, April 30, 2006


The season of Easter is a wonderful opportunity to re-discover or reflect upon our faith. Often through prayer, I am able to express my discoveries or reflections. I found this quote about prayer itself.

"Prayerful words are the channel into the silent communion of an individual soul with the Creator in whose image we are created. Prayer is an act of radical welcome and radical intimacy which enfolds us in challenge and comfort. Prayer requires pauses for discernment and for awareness. It also needs honesty, tenderness, and wisdom... and a little humor never hurts."

Perhaps during these weeks that follow Easter, our prayer time with God can be honest and intimate. What are your thoughts on spending time with God in prayer?

Saturday, March 04, 2006

daily om

At the end of the yoga class that I attend, as we are feeling slightly taller and lighter from the exercise and renewed breath, we chant OM together. At first, not having come from this tradition, I was confused about what this small word meant. My interest led me to find that OM, like Amen for us of the Christian tradition offers acceptance and trust in the Divine. Some compare the little word "OM" to the "word" where us Christians would think of Jesus as the Word of God, or we would remember in the Beginning was the "Word." I often interpret the meaning of "Word" as the creative force of the universe. Others might say, "the sound or vibration from which all other names and forms arise and to which all return." OM then is the beginning and the end.

In my internet travels, I've discovered an interesting, quick daily meditation at

What I like most about it is that it addresses the restlessness that is so prevalent in our world. I think anything that challenges us to breathe deeper and reflect is a good thing (not to sound too much like Martha Stewart or anything.)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Icey weather

past weather changed the inside
as ice covered the lot
blue shirt? or sweater?
a labored decision where shoes
remain unquestioned
the ice inside was the concern.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

the definition of smoke

Sitting in smoke feels like groping
fear and isolation, wonder and sadness
plow through the incensed air
lavender and rosemary pronounce
tension of sleepiness and hunger.
Smoke defines rather than hides.